What is the VEEB Clock Driver?
Our clock driver is carefully built around our open-source software. It is a non-destructive addition to the clock and the original mechanism remains unaltered. It’s powered by USB.
This video shows our driver rejuvenating a mechanism, bringing it back into action as the clock adjusts itself to the time supplied by an internet time server. No matter where in the world you are, it will adjust to the correct time.
Pairing the clock driver to WiFi
Pairing the clock driver to a WiFi signal is easy and can be done using a smartphone (see video).
Electric clocks rely on a consistent pulse signal from a central source, often referred to as the 'mother clock,' to maintain accurate timekeeping. Without this pulse, these clocks become redundant and cannot function effectively. To address this, we've developed a USB-powered device that replicates the pulse of the mother clock, allowing these daughter clocks to work independently and maintain their precision.
The device checks in with the time server when you connect it to power, and again each night. It keeps your clock fully synchronized to local time, automatically adjusting to daylight saving time. It is as accurate as the time server on the internet. Who says that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
Who Made The Clock?
Inducta, Switzerland
A Timeline of Inducta
INDUCTA today 2023Inducta now specialises is large custom made display clocks for big brands, including Rolex and Patak Philippe
INDUCTA AG 2012The company name is changed to'Wittwer-Bär Immobilien AG' and the subsidiary INDUCTA AG is established to operational business
Uhrenfabrik Wittwer-Bär AG 2009The company changes it name to Uhrenfabrik Wittwer-Bär AG
Wittwer-Bär AG 1988The clock factory 'Wittwer-Bär AG' is founded
Passing of Adolf Bär 1966Adolf Baer passes away in Thun, Switzerland
Inducta Product Line 1962Turmuhren Fabrik A. Bär, takes over the Inducta product line from Landis+Gyr (*who also own Magneta clocks) in Zug, Switzerland
Turmuhren Fabrik A. Bär 1924Adolf Bär founds the clock tower company 'Turmuhren Fabrik A. Bär', in Gwatt-Thun, Switzerland. Producing mechanical tower clocks for churches
Birth of Adolf Bär 1890Adolf Bär is born in Kleinandelfingen, Switzerland. Interestingly, Adolf's father was Jacob Gottlieb Βär, founder of the famous clock factory J.G Sumiswalder Turmuhrenfabrik in Sumiswald, Switzerland